1. I LOVE my family!!! My husband and I just celebrated our 6th year of marriage and life has never been better! He's such a caring, loving husband who will do anything for his family! We have 2 beautiful kids- Madion and Kayden, both of which just celebrated their birthday! Madison is now 5 and Kayden just turned 1! My husband and two kids are my absolute life!!!
2. Speaking of my family, we are ALL redheads!!! My husband, 2 kids and I all have red hair--and before you ask, yes, EVERYONE comments on it when we are in public! Up until recently, we had two dogs-- both of which also had red hair! We kind of like that we are different from most everyone else. Crazy fact:: not long ago, we heard a crazy fact on a news report that less than 1% of the world's population are redheads- that seems so crazy!!!
3. I LOVE BIG BROTHER!!! I don't know when my obsession started or even why it started but I love the show Big Brother! I think maybe because it is a TRUE reality show and you know that NOTHING is contrived. And yes, I've secretly always wanted to be a contestant on the show---I mean really, how fun would it be to trapped inside a house for a few months and do some really cool challenges and maybe even win cool stuff in luxury competitions???
4. I'm a military wife! My husband has been in the Air Force for 10 years now. It's always kind of weird because we can't plan out our life too much, because the minute we try to, the military always shows us that THEY have the ultimate control of what we do and where we end up! It is cool though not having to pay for medical bills or insurance. Just to know that we never have to worry about medical care is such a relief deep inside! I'm originally from Georgia and my husband is from Florida. We have lived here in Kansas since right after we got married in 2006.
5. It took me 8 years to finish college! Okay, before you gasp, let me explain. I started college in the fall of 2002. I thought I wanted to be a physcial therapist...and later, I learned that since I couldn't pass an Anatomy and Physiology course, I probably needed to choose another profession! So after changing my major, then moving (when I got married) , and then having to retake classes at my new college (since they wouldn't accept some of my previous classes from GA)....I finally eneded up graduating in May of 2010! Hey, better late than never right?!?!?
My alumni school!
6. I love the beach- bottom line! It's where I really get to think about life and really enjoy God's natural beauty! (And I love that my husband's parents home in FL is only minutes away from the beach!)
7. At 19 years old, I was diagnosed with a heart defect that is pretty rare in young people- it mostly affects people in their later years. It is called WPW (Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome) and it was the scariest time in my life! I thought I was going to die. We discovered it one Saturday morning when my heart was racing. I ended up going to the doctors office right away because it wouldn't stop racing--it felt like my chest was going to explode. They hooked me up to an EKG machine and then called the ambulance right away! It all happened so fast! After it settled down, they decided to monitor me for a few weeks to see how many episodes I was having and within 3 weeks, I had heart surgery! WOW- talk about a life changer right?!? Since then, I've been checked yearly and I'm happy to report I'm doing just fine! :)
8. I love Japanese Hibachi food! It's so yummy!!!!! I think I could live off the fried rice alone! :)
9. I love my job! I think I have the best job ever---getting to shape little minds everyday and see thier smiling face makes my heart smile! Kindergarten rocks!!!
I hope you've enjoyed getting to know me. Thanks to Mrs. Lemons for letting us all link up and if you haven't linked up yet, go do it now!!!
I am a huge fan of hibachi too. I could probably eat it every night of the week! It was great getting to know more about you. :)
Learning Is Something to Treasure
Thanks for stopping by and reading! I'm heading over to follow you! :)
I love Asian food!! Great share!
First Grade Blue Skies
Thanks for stopping by! I love your blog!
That is so cool that your whole family are red heads! I have always wanted red hair (my little bro is a red-head)! I loved reading your facts!
Second Grade is Sweet
Yes, being a red-head is a blessing and curse! lol... Thanks for stopping by!
I love that even your dogs are red heads! :) Made me smile!!!
Thanks for reading!! :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog! Girl, don't worry about it. It took me 6 years to graduate. I feel bad about it sometimes but when I transferred to my Alma Mater, they too wouldn't accept some of the classes I took in community college. It was frustrating but I am a big believer in things happening for a reason.
ReplyDeleteMy student teacher semester (May 07) I was placed with the most AMAZING teacher ever. I was also informed that I was going to be her first and only student teacher because she didn't want to ruin the wonderful experience we had. She basically let me run her classroom and would let me take full control. See if I had graduated when I was supposed to, I probably would have ended up with a stinky teacher, lol!
Glad we are blog friends now! :)
Okay, I'm glad I'm not the only one who took a while! And how cool to have an AWESOME teacher to work with! You were so lucky!!
DeleteThanks for sharing!!!
That is cool that everyone is a redhead in your family. A lot of times I know the parents can be and the kids are not (I have a friends whose child turned out to have red hair and no one in their family does). I love the beach too-it's been too long since I've vacationed there! :)
Yes, I could live at the beach FOREVER!!! Maybe we should make a getaway.... :)
I loved reading about you and your family! I had to read aloud the part about redheads to my daughter. She is fascinated by redheads!! She wonders if anyone ever calls you the Weasleys?! She would like to babysit for your children for free...To bad we live in Michigan! I'm happy to be your newest follower!!
Owl Things First
That's so funny that your daughter is fascinated by redheads! I would love to have her babysit for us---we never get out! lol... No one has ever called us the Weasleys...just "Gingers"! Thanks for following me! I'm heading over to your blog now!
I loved reading and learning more about you. God had plans for you to graduate when you did and I know He has placed you where He needs you. =)
ReplyDeleteI love the beach too! Welcome to blogging. I am happy to be a new follower to your adorable blog. I would love for you to hop over and visit me when you get the chance. =)
I have TONS of *freebies* that I would love for you to grab. Check out the cute monster *freebies* I recently shared.
Heather's Heart
Yes, after not dying through my heart stuff, I have always felt that God really had a much bigger plan for me! Thanks for the lovely words!!!
DeleteI'm heading over to follow you now! :)
You are one of the first people I've read of who had WPW. I got diagnosed in 1st year university and went from having an episode maybe once a month to numerous times a day - I don't think I'll forget how much it hurt to have your heart beating that fast. I was diagnosed in January or February and had ablation in April - which for Canada is pretty fast! Thank goodness for great cardiologists.
You are also one of the first people that I know that has also had WPW! It's kinda rare! Yes, the pain of that rapid heart beat is crazy- I will never forget that horrible feeling!!! And yes, God bless those cardiologists! Glad you had surgery... I hope all is well with you now! :) Thanks for visiting my blog!
Love that your whole family has red hair! I've always been the only one!
ReplyDeleteYay for red heads!!! :) Thanks for visiting!
Go SHOX!!! I just happened upon your blog and have read the entire thing in one evening. I'm also a WSU alum and teach here in the area. One of my team teachers just found out last week that her son also has WPW. Her husband was diagnosed years ago and had surgery also. What a small world it is! Thanks so much for sharing all your ideas. I look forward to following your blog!
ReplyDeleteYAY!!!! A fellow alum! I love me some Shockers!!! How awesome is that, that you found me and we live so close! WPW was the scarest thing ever but I'm so grateful to be able to live more days here on earth---it really was an eye opener for me.... Good luck to your team teachers' son and husband---prayers going their way! Thanks for following me! :)