A sneak peak into my classroom!!!

It's Saturday and I'm still so happy about how much I got done in my classroom yesterday!
I worked all day, 7:30-4:00 and pretty much didn't quit moving ALL DAY! I didn't realize how much I was moving until I finally stopped to make my 30 minute drive home--- I just about had to pry myself out of the car when I parked in the garage!
Over the last few weeks I've done tons of searching, buying, printing, laminating and cutting. Yesterday I finally told myself I had to get stuff up on the walls---I knew I was running out of time! Monday is parent communication day for our school, where parents/students can come and meet the teachers and check out their new classrooms-- I told myself my walls just couldn't be bare and it was time to get busy stapling stuff to the walls!
So here is just a few pictures of some of the goodies I worked on yesterday. I will be doing a post soon on a full tour of my room---when EVERYTHING is finally done! :)

My cute door! (I'm still thinking about adding some moneys to the tree!)
This is the first thing that catches your eye when you walk into my classroom! (My awesome storage units on the floor that I'm still in love with--from my previous post!) The left side of the board is for my sight word and the right side has my Daily 5 posters on it. I just added the safari hats and two nets---aren't they sooooo cute? I found them at the dollar store! LOVE THEM!!!
My adorable colors! My talented friend Alison made them! Aren't they the cutest??? I think she needs to sell them on TpT!!! ;)  (Gray is going up there soon--I forgot it!)
This is my main area where we usually gather--we do a lot on the Smart board!
This is a closeup of my number posters--again my great friend Alison made them! I'm telling you-she's so wonderful and talented!!!
I love that these have the number, the words and the ten frame! :)
My calendar and jobs!
A close-up of my jobs. I like to keep it simple and only have about 8 jobs---star student, line leader, calendar helper, snack helper, lunch helper, door holder, boys bathroom monitor and girls bathroom monitor. I will just use sticks with their names on them inside the pockets.
Lunch count check-in. I made this last year and I'm keeping it again! I came up with the idea--it's a baking pan (from the dollar store), attached to the wall with a removable sticky pull tab. Each students number is on a cookie and the spatula is just for decoration! I still need to add an oven mitt to the left side and put a title above it! What do you think?
$1.00 metal cans from target. The students will place pencils in that need to be sharpened and pick up ones that are already sharpened and ready to write.

I hope you enjoyed your sneak peak into just a few things I accomplished yesterday!
Be sure to leave a comment and let me know what you think!

And if you haven't yet, be sure to enter my giveaway to win
$25.00 to TpT!!! It ends in just a few days!
Click HERE to enter now!!!


  1. I have a jungle theme for my room too:) Yours looks great! Will Alison share those adorable ten frame posters???? I use that same clip art for my station chart. Thanks for sharing pictures of your room:)

  2. Your jungle theme is amazing. My friend is looking for cute jungle themed clipart. Does scrappin doodles still have them? You should come link up to my linky/giveaway.

    1. Thanks! Yes, I'm pretty sure they still have them!


  3. How cute is your room?!? I absolutely LOVE it...especially the hot & cold lunch count! Great job! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  4. Wow! It looks fantastic! I love all the ideas that I am getting! Great pictures!!!

    1. Thanks so much!!! (I'm trying to get better with taking pictures- I always forget!)


  5. Love your classroom! Lookin' good :)

  6. Such a great classroom... Would your friend be interested in selling her numbers those are great? Also where did you get your monkey calendar?


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