Well, here we are again! It's another Monday in the books!
While we started school back last Thursday, my kids are still re-learning proper school behavior and classroom rules! I'm pretty sure the break just zapped it right out of some of them! The day was good but all of my lessons ran over the kids just seemed to move a little slow during transition times. I guess we will all be back in the swing of things soon!
The best part of the day today was math time! The kids were glad they were able to work with partners (which to them always equals free time...lol)!
They were working on adding numbers on dice. They had to roll 2 dice and add the dots together---and they really did a great job---and stayed on task for the whole time! They have been practicing adding small numbers and their practice is really paying off. I even had a few kids start to show they could add the numbers without counting them---they were able to look at 4 dots and know that it was 4! How cool!!! I even had some kids skip counting by 2's to get to the numbers 4 and 6!! I love it when they really start applying things we've learned in the past to current lessons!
Take a look at their recording sheets:

Have you started back yet? How were your kiddos??
Be sure to check in tomorrow--I'm going to have a really "sweet" deal for you!
You won't want to miss it!
Love this activity! I would be super excited to have your babies in first grade because Roll and Record is one of the first activities we do to practice addition. :)
Thanks Haley! Yes, my kids are really starting to love these "roll and record' games! It's fun for them and gives me proof that they were working! lol...