Spring cleaning!!

Happy Saturday!
I can't wait for tomorrow.
I love Easter! We plan on going to church and then having our egg hunts at our house!
Yes, I did say HUNTS- with an 's'.... We will probably have many!!
Now that I have young children of my own, I love making these awesome memories with them!!
I wanted to make sure you know that I am having a Spring Cleaning sale today and tomorrow!!
Everything in my store will be 20% off!
In addition, I am also having a BOGO sale!
Buy any item and receive another item of equal or lesser value for free!
Just email me at chsball33@yahoo.com with your TpT username (for verification) and the item you would like for free!
Happy Shopping!
And don't forget to leave feedback to earn free money!!

1 comment

  1. Hi, Elizabeth! When my daughter was younger, I loved doing Easter egg hunts in the backyard for her. I'm sure your children will love it! This year, with my kindergarten class, I did an egg hunt outside my classroom door. My school restricts the use of candy, so I stuffed the eggs with "secret messages" and fun erasers. It seemed a little weird, but the kids still loved it.

    I just put up a habitat freebie on my blog. I'd love it if you could stop by for a second and check it out.

    Your latest follower,

    Sharon Dudley, NBCT
    Teaching with Sight


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