That's about the only word I have to describe my week in Vegas. As many of you know, I spent last week in Las Vegas for the national I teach K conference!
Not only did I learn a lot, take tons of pictures and meet many new friends, I also came home with a cold!! Yep you read that right. I left Vegas with a cold and it only got worse once I had to fly and come home! So here I am now, five days after flying home and I'm just starting to get over my sickness. It was such a doozy!! I haven't had a summertime cold and I don't know how long! Summertime sicknesses are the worst!
Now that I have a little bit of energy again, wanted to share with you some of the pictures I took from the conference and some of the great blogging buddies that I finally got to meet face-to-face!!
This is a quick glimpse into my whirlwind of a week::
This is a quick glimpse into my whirlwind of a week::
A group picture of a few of us bloggers!
I was so honored to be a part of the keynote given by Debbie Clement!!
(I'm in the green shirt on the far left!)
A good group picture of us before the performance!
And of course, what does a group of teachers do??
Find the closest Lakeshore store, DUH!!
We had a blast and bought so many goodies!!
Here are a few of the great presenters I got to see while I was there!!
I learned so much that my brain is still mush!!
I got to see Shari Sloane! She is amazing!!
Debbie was so energetic in her session!
A few us with the great Kathy Griffin!
The always marvelous (and funny) Kim Adsit!
I was so honored to meet Audrey Penn-- author of The Kissing Hand!
She signed my book!!! :)
The always wonderful and creative Deanna Jump!!
This is Ron Clark! Boy, did he keep us entertained! If you don't know about him or his story, google him now! He was full of energy.
Look how cute she is!
This is Kathleen from Growing Kinders!
It was her first time presenting and she hit it out of the park!
Way to go girl!!
A few of us bloggers had a night out on the town!
I love this shirt--enough said!
On Tuesday night, we had a great blogger meet-up! I met so many wonderful bloggers and blog stalkers----I loved every minute of it! Here are just a few of the pictures I snapped that night! (I wish I could share them all but do you really want to look though hundreds of pictures?? I didn't think so!)
Rachelle from What The Teacher Wants!
Katie from Little Warriors and DeeDee Wills from Mrs. Wills Kindergarten!
Kim Adsit from Kinder Gals!
Tiffani from Time 4 Kindergarten!
Hador from Miss Kindergarten!
John, Erica, Rachelle, Deanna, Amy, Natalie, Kim!
Katie, Tiffani, Crystal and Tanya!
Crystal from Kreative in Kinder!
Alessia from Mrs. Albanese's Kindergarten and Tanya from Ms. Solano's Kindergarten!
Deanna from Mrs. Jump's Class!
Erica from Erica Bohrer's First Grade! (And I won her book! YAY!!)
The man on the left is John Yoo (CEO of TpT) and the lady in the black dress with the teal sweater is Amy Bernell (Community Manager at TpT)!! It was such a honor to meet them both! They were so sweet and TpT provided all of the drinks for the night!!
Here is a great picture of everyone from Kinderland that could attend!
I love this picture!!
On a personal note....
I was so excited to get home in time to witness a great sight....
My daughter lost her first tooth!! Yay!!
It's been wiggly for a while and I was happy that it waited for me to get home before it came out!
I hope you enjoyed seeing a few of my favorite pictures from Vegas!
I had a blast and I hope I see you there next year!
To all of my bloggin' buddies I met...until we meet again!
I had a great time with you all and look forward to doing it again next year!!
Glad you are getting better. I am super jealous of all the fun you had in Vegas and am SO- going next year!!! It looks like you had a blast.
Lovely Literacy and More
It was such a fun trip! Thank you for sharing your photos, and I'm glad you're feeling better. :)