Hello my dear friends!
So my computer has been out of commission for the past few days while my husband was building a new desk. He had to disconnect all of the computer cords so I haven't had Internet on the house computers! Needless to say, I have been out of the blogging world for a while.….and I didn't like it!
While I have been able to keep up with Facebook via my iPhone, it has just been treacherous trying to read blog posts on such a little screen. I'm happy to report my husband finished putting the desk together, it looks great and the computer is set back up back so that I may enjoy the blogging world again!!!
I don't know about you but my kids are so hyped up for Christmas break it's kind of unreal. All of the kiddos have been bouncing off the walls, getting into trouble, and just being down right rowdy. They know the break is near. Six days till Christmas break folks, only six days!!!
I've been keeping busy around here though! Ive been working on games that I hope my kiddos (and yours too) will love! Take a look at some of my latest creations:
First up is a game for vowel sorting in CVC words. My kids are starting to really get the hang of sounding out words! I thought this would be great for them to really practice sounding out words and categorizing them based on their vowel. I have included 12 real words and 6 nonsense words for each vowel.
Next up, Mitten Math! My students are also getting into adding numbers. I created this game where they practice adding numbers from 1+1 all the way to 10+10 (where no sum will be over 20.)
I personally love this combinations of colors!!
Lastly, a rhyming activity! The first part of this game has cards where the student will read the CVC words and determine if they rhyme. They will mark their answer. The last half of this set has cards where students will draw lines to rhyming words.
I hope you can use some of these games in your classroom!!
Let me know what you think of them!
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