Now that we are in the month of February, I decided to change out my math boxes again!!
I just love Valentine's Day and I couldn't wait to put in Valentine's Day activities--and soon I'll be adding some dental health activities as well!
Take a look at a few of the activities they are enjoying!
My kiddos are loving these heart match ups!
Click here to grab them!
These are great for practicing counting by 5's and 10's!
My kiddos are loving these heart match ups!

These are good practicing for simple addition!

These are great for practicing counting by 5's and 10's!
Kids love the cupcakes and can't wait to make patterns with them!
I just love the dots and fun colors on these! I made them from 1-20 so that it is easy to differentiate for my kiddos!!
I've also had my kids use this cupcake activity to practice rhyming during their daily 5 station! They love anything that allows them to use a dry erase marker!!
I hope this gives you a little glimpse into my classroom and some of the skills my kiddos are working on this month!! I can't wait to add some dental health items in too. We all know kids are obsessed with teeth, especially the wiggly ones!

Those cupcake patterns are the cutest! :) Love those skip counting trains as well!
Fun in PreK-1
Hey there Elizabeth!! I just gave you some Shout Out love on my blog! :o)
Kindergarten Faith