Teacher Week- A Little About Me!


School starts tomorrow and I'm tired exhausted! 
I mean really exhausted- like when you sit down and everything aches kinda exhausted!!
And all I keep thinking is "school hasn't even started yet"! 

My room is almost finished and really all of the little ones.
I'll be showing you the final reveal soon--stay tuned!!

And now I want to join Blog Hoppin' for their day one of 'Teacher Week'.
Today, you get to learn a little about me!  Here are 10 things you may not know about me!

1.  I'm married to the most amazing man, Keith! He's seriously the most caring, patient and hard working man I know and he is definitely the ying to my yang!  We have 2 sweet kiddos- Madison, 6 and Kayden, 2.  The greatest part of our family?? We ALL have red hair!  I love that our family is unique in this way and yes, we get comments all the time in public!

2. My 6 year old daughter has her first day of 1st grade tomorrow!!!  Boy, where did the time go?!?!  Am I old enough to really have a 1st grader? Geezzz..... I'm not sure I'm ready for this! :(

3. We are a military family!!  My husband is from Florida, I'm from Georgia and both of our kids were born in Kansas! My husband deployed in January and got home in May.  He was able to surprise my daughter at school when he returned.  It was such a special day and it was so memorable!!

4. It took me 8 years to complete college!  Before you start laughing, let me explain!  I went to a college and hour away from home when I graduated.  I was the typical teenager with my first taste of freedom...are you seeing where this is going? Well you guessed it, I goofed around and I'm not proud to admit, I messed up a class or two--lesson learned the hard way!  A year and a half into college, I was diagnosed with a heart condition for which I had heart surgery!  This was a very terrifying time in my life and I decided to go back home and go to the local community college to be closer to family!  Fast forward a few years later to when I got married and we soon got military orders to Kansas. When I got here, they would not accept 8 credit hours and I had to redo those classes.  When all was said and done it was 8 years after my high school graduation.  While I'm not proud of my long road to the end, I feel like I can speak with firsthand experience as to why education is important and you should NEVER give up!!

5. I love the CBS reality show Big Brother!  No, I don't just love it, I think you could say I'm pretty obsessed with it!!  I always tell my husband how much I would love to be on there.  I've watched it for many years now and really wish they would air it twice a year--but no such luck so far.

6. I've been to the I Teach K conference for 2 years now and love it!  I've met so many wonderful people and some extraordinary fellow bloggers!  I plan on going again next year as well!

7. I'm a born and raised southerner!  I say y'all all of the time, I have an accent (that I often hide) but no, I don't drink sweet tea! I'm from Georgia and will always be a sweet GA peach!!

8. If I wasn't a teacher I'd probably be a magazine editor.  I was the yearbook editor in high school and loved it.  I loved the formatting and designing of the book itself--I'm pretty sure this is where my TpT passion comes from too!

9. I'm a proud chiver!  Just remember to KCCO!

10. I'm a self proclaimed hoarder---but what teacher isn't right???  Tell me I'm not alone....please!  I will save and store just about anything in hopes of being able to use it later.  I've been known to save toliet paper rolls for more than 4 years- true story!

1 comment

  1. Good luck girly...mine will be there on Wednesday. We've been testing/prepping and I'm tired just from that! Can't wait to go to Vegas again next year :)
    Kickin’ it in Kindergarten


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