New Math Box Goodies!

Happy Spring winter that won't end!!
Anybody else experiencing the ups and downs of Mother Nature?? It was nice and 65 degrees a week ago and then yesterday we got a fresh 4 inches of snow.  I am ready for spring already!! I can't take one more bit of snow... GO AWAY SNOW!!

Sorry I got distracted!
Well, my kiddos have been plugging along with their math skills. I was able to finally change out some of their math boxes the other day. You would have thought I had given them gold--they were all so excited! Really folks, they are usually pretty similar games, just with a new face! So far, the kids haven't caught on and I'm okay with that!!

Take a look at a few new things they are working on:

Numbers, number words, tally marks and base ten blocks!
I made the numbers up to 20 so that you can easily differentiate for your kiddos!
Addition Popsicles! They go up to 10+10 but I just pick out the cards I want to use and save the higher cards for my advanced kiddos.
Candy graphing- Students spin the paperclip, and graph their item. At the end they mark which item had the most and least marks!
All of the above are from my Candy Creations unit! 

Winter mug match up! 

Mitten addition!

I also printed this unit up too! I will put it in my math boxes tomorrow. Be sure to check it out if you need some St. Patrick's Day goodies!! 

This has nothing to do with my class but it was too funny not to share!  We had some pipe problems at school the other day. On my way to leave school, I caught a glimpse of what someone etched into the dirty glass on this Roto-Rooter truck...can you read it? It says, "Forget the fox...what did the plumber say?"  I got a good chuckle out of that!! ha ha ha 

Have a great week!
I'll keep my fingers crossed for spring to show up soon!!

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