Dental Health Month Is Here!!

February is Dental Health month!
{Say CHEESE!!!}

I actually love this month and teaching about dental health. I think teaching kids about non-academic stuff, such as how and why to care for your teeth, is just as important as the academics we do teach. School is all about helping the student become a well rounded individual in life. We often forget that topics, such as the proper ways to stay healthy, are so important in a child's life.  

I've heard teachers comment that it is hard to incorporate topics such as dental health into their everyday lessons. That's why I created this little gem! I love flip books because they are easy to assemble, easy to use and you can pack lots of info into a cool little book! And let's be honest...students love the tabs on the side. Anything that is different from a normal sheet of paper will grab their attention.

This flip book is packed with some good information. The book has students review important words that are associated with dental health and students can brainstorm and draw foods that are good and bad for our teeth. Students also will answer some simple questions that pertain to how they currently take care of their teeth and on the last page, students get to show off what good dental health looks like to them!

Take a look at what is included in this flip book!
{Click on any picture to view it on TpT!!}
(Please note: 2 covers are provided, one in color and one in black/white, so that you may choose what works best for you!)
Do you still need some other activities for your classroom when it come to incorporating dental health into your math and literacy lessons?
Take a look at my other creations....

I hope you've seen something here that will be useful to your and your classroom! Be sure to click on any picture to view that item on TpT!
Happy Dental Health month!!

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