All about me week!

This week was kind of crazy.
 It seemed long, but somehow I didn't get to everything in my lesson plans!
I guess that's a good thing though--to be over-planned instead of under-planned!  :)
This past week was our 'all about me' week. 
I had great intentions to get all of the cool ideas done but it just didn't happen!
I'll be finishing those this week.
(I have great visions of what the end product was "supposed" to look like!)
But I did want to show you one thing we did get done and I love.
We did 'how many letters are in your name'.... and the finished bulletin board looks great!
(And I'm really excited that I finally got to use this cute polka dot boarder that I've had forever!)
So, here it is.....
This is the sign in the middle of the board.  I just typed it up in Microsoft Word.
This is the close-up pictures.

To prep for the activity, I cut strips for each kid to place their letters on. Each strip was 4 inches tall.
(I calculated how many kids had the same amount of letters in their names and I made sure that those kids all put their names on the same color background!) I then cut the white squares, one for each letter in each child's name. I cut those 3 inches tall.
The kids did so great with this activity.  It was a definite challenge for some of them.  And this gave me a real look at how many kids didn't know the letters of their names or even how to write those letters. We are still studying letters like crazy in my room!

I want to leave you with an awesome picture I found this week! :)
As a new blogger, I'm loving how many connections I'm making in the education world!
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