Five for Friday!

I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for this weeks Five for Friday!

This week FLEW by--seriously, it felt like it was Monday and then BAM---here it is on Friday night!! I'm not complaining though...  Okay, here are few fun things from this week!
1.  I posted my newest activity with base ten blocks on TpT!
I just love all of the colors on the background and the bunny is so darn cute too!
2. My kids are doing great with their reading skills.  I'm impressed everyday with how much all of the kids are growing academically!  I started using this great little predictable readers with my kiddos that still need a little extra help...and they love them!
3.  At the beginning of the week I made a fun and different little math set! I found these adorable breakfast graphics and just had to get them!  I then transformed into a 'blisssful breakfast' math pack!
4.  Today officially starts spring break---YAY!!!!
I love my class kiddos but I think we all need this break!
5.  (On this last one I'm cheating a little)
I'm super excited about a little Midwest blogger meet up tomorrow!!
I can't wait to blog about it and show you a few pictures of our good times!
And of course, I can't wait to actually meet some of my fellow kinder bloggers face-to-face!

1 comment

  1. Your 5 is not cheating! :) I wish I could go to a blogger meet up! Fun! I will be watching for your photos.


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