Halloween is fast approaching and I love it!
Not only do I love all the decorations and colors associated with Halloween, I love the costumes, candy and all the excitement the kids get from dressing up and acting silly!!
Let's talk Pinterest for a minute!
I am on there frequently looking for other great ideas from ordinary people just like me. On my Pinterest account, I have tons of school boards and I specifically have a Halloween board. I love pinning great Halloween ideas. {Click here to check it out now and be sure to follow me if you aren't already!}
Anywho, I wanted to show you a few of the great Halloween related pins that I recently found!
I love them!!
{You can click on any of the pictures to view them on my Pinterest!}
First up, a cute and easy craft!
Sensory bin ideas!
A cute way to give candy!
A cute and easy card/craft for students!
An adorable spider craft!
What an awesome idea for a classroom door!!
Holy cuteness!! I love this easy bunting! How stinkin' creative!
And then I started to find the cutest pumpkin designs too!!! Look how cute these are!
Those are on my Pumpkin board--click here to view that board!
I seriously could go on and on with the great ideas I've found---but I'll spare you for now!
Be sure to click any of the pictures to be taken to their original source and for goodness sakes, you scroll through those Pinterest boards! You'll thank me later {after you've lost a few hours of your day!} :)
While we are talking Halloween, I finished another little Halloween goody last night!
It includes numbers 1-20 so that you can differentiate for your students!
Here's what it looks like!
Students are matching the number, number word, base ten blocks and tally marks.
Click here to view it on TpT!
And here are few other items that are Halloween themed too!
Click the pictures above to view them or
you can view ALL of my Halloween themed creations
all at once by clicking HERE!
These are awesome! I love the humpty-dumpty pumpkin!!