Great Beginning Of The Year Books!

Hi friends!
I wanted to give you a quick update about my mom and my recent adventures!
As you may remember, my mom was due to have her big procedure a few weeks ago. 
(Read here if you want to know about it!)

Well, I flew home, back to the States, to by her side while she had her double mastectomy. 

(This is us right before they took her back to surgery! She had such high spirits still!)
The surgery took a few hours and went great. The doctor was super pleased with the results. The pathology reported noted that there were some live cancer cells still in her body, but the doctor feels secure that he removed what was left of them and that with her upcoming treatments of radiation, she will be completely healed soon.  The days following surgery were hard to say the least, but we made it! It was hard to see my mom in such pain but I am so glad I went!! I could not imagine being so far away while she was going through all of that! 

I was home for about 3 weeks and it was so nice to see family and friends again, while nursing my mother back to health. 

Another plus to being home was that I got to visit my favorite store again- TARGET!!!! There is nothing like a Target here in England, so I was in heaven as I walked all of the isles---and I do mean ALL of them!! I made several Target trips while I was home, always finding new stuff every time I went in--my bank account can attest to that!  Among some of my awesome finds were these...great back to school books!! 

Take a look at what I found!! 
I think they would make great additions to anyone's 'first day of school' plans and classroom library! 
Be sure to check out your nearest Target, or bookstore, to add these books to your library collection! 

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